
It goes without saying that Scotland has a rich past. What is less well recognised is how much of it is cloaked in mystery. There are mysterious standing stones, incomprehensible pictographs, and incredible stories. So keep your eyes peeled, head open, and imagination turned on. It’s time to leave the safety of your own home […]

What makes TWF45 different from others?

  Right in the epicentre of South-West Scotland We’ve gone to great lengths to ensure that your holidays are enjoyable. To establish the need for a healthy, adventurous, exhilarating, and stress-relieving holiday, an extensive study was undertaken. We implemented the identified variables into our programmes, which were further curated by precisely building our pods and […]

Tourism Industry of Scotland in 2069

  We all imagine what our futures may hold for us. Will we get self-driving vehicles or will flying vehicles take over? Chips in our brains or smartphones in our glasses? These made us wonder what the future of tourism will look like in 2069. By studying the present trends and changes, VisitScotland estimated some […]

What is sustainable tourism?

Tourism, by its very nature, appreciates the most valuable aspects of our world: breathtaking landscapes, animals, history, culture, and people. Tourism may help a community’s economy flourish by offering good-paying employment, business possibilities, and cash for conservation. However, if tourism is not adequately managed, it may have detrimental effects on local communities and habitats, causing […]

Eco-tourism vs. Sustainable tourism

  Sustainable tourism, is defined as tourism that strikes an appropriate balance between environmental, economic, and socio-cultural components of development, is critical to biodiversity conservation. It makes an effort to have as little influence on the environment and local culture as possible so that it will be available for future generations, while also contributing to […]

Summer in New Zealand

Sed a rutrum neque, non euismod lorem. Nam dapibus mi ut ligula interdum laoreet. Sed sollicitudin metus nec massa venenatis tincidunt. Donec mollis augue vel tellus ultrices aliquet. Curabitur non nibh in enim lacinia porttitor non eget lorem. Donec tincidunt felis ac sapien ullamcorper tempus. In orci enim, iaculis sit amet turpis nec, vestibulum condimentum […]

Winter Travel Guide

Sed a rutrum neque, non euismod lorem. Nam dapibus mi ut ligula interdum laoreet. Sed sollicitudin metus nec massa venenatis tincidunt. Donec mollis augue vel tellus ultrices aliquet. Curabitur non nibh in enim lacinia porttitor non eget lorem. Donec tincidunt felis ac sapien ullamcorper tempus. In orci enim, iaculis sit amet turpis nec, vestibulum condimentum […]

Rocky Mountains

Sed a rutrum neque, non euismod lorem. Nam dapibus mi ut ligula interdum laoreet. Sed sollicitudin metus nec massa venenatis tincidunt. Donec mollis augue vel tellus ultrices aliquet. Curabitur non nibh in enim lacinia porttitor non eget lorem. Donec tincidunt felis ac sapien ullamcorper tempus. In orci enim, iaculis sit amet turpis nec, vestibulum condimentum […]

Winter Destinations

Sed a rutrum neque, non euismod lorem. Nam dapibus mi ut ligula interdum laoreet. Sed sollicitudin metus nec massa venenatis tincidunt. Donec mollis augue vel tellus ultrices aliquet. Curabitur non nibh in enim lacinia porttitor non eget lorem. Donec tincidunt felis ac sapien ullamcorper tempus. In orci enim, iaculis sit amet turpis nec, vestibulum condimentum […]